The career of Erika Bartos (1974 -), Pro Familiis award-winning storyteller, began in the early 2000s. Her lovingly crafted books were immediately embraced by the youngest readers, and her works played a significant role in the resurgence of Hungarian children's literature in the early 2000s. Through her tales, she conveys a soothing, harmonious world, which she personally illustrates. Several bands have set her poems to music, and classical children's choir pieces have been composed to her texts. Kedd Animation Studio has created a cartoon from the Berry and Dolly series, which became the most successful and popular children's film of recent decades. The Berry and Dolly series also revived Hungarian slide film production after a ten-year silence, being the first slide film produced using digital technology. The author also crafted the two main characters, the ladybird girl and the snail boy, in puppet form, and the puppet exhibition received invitations to numerous locations. Erika Bartos regularly holds storytelling events in libraries, kindergartens, and cultural centres. Her works have been published in several languages, and her oeuvre has been recognised with numerous domestic and international awards.
In addition to her widely recognised storybook series, she has written and illustrated many lesser-known books to aid those suffering from serious illnesses, exploring the everyday lives of children with cancer, leukaemia, organ transplants, heart disease, autism, and disabilities, donating all of the proceeds. For her invaluable charitable books and diverse philanthropic activities, she received a ministerial commendation and was awarded certificates from the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta and the Red Cross. Several years ago, Erika Bartos also launched her own initiative, through which she provides children's books and toy packages to financially struggling kindergartens twice a year, on Children's Day and at Christmas. The author conducts her charitable activities exclusively from her own resources, never having asked for or received state support or sponsorship.
She earned her degree with distinction from the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), receiving special awards from the Hungarian Chamber of Architects and the Budapest Mayor's Office. Due to her background in architecture, the built environment plays a prominent role in her books. In her book entitled Hoppie's tales, she introduced the city of Pécs to younger readers, earning the Pro Civitate award from the city of Pécs. In 2016, the author also explored the architecture of the capital, stepping out of the world of storybooks to publish an architectural album titled Secrets of Budapest, illustrated with her own drawings. With this volume, she won the Mayor's Special Award at the Beautiful Hungarian Book Competition. In her series “Bruno presents Budapest”, she presents the capital through the eyes of a child, while the “Bruno at Lake Balaton” books explore the Hungarian sea. The Bruno series has won numerous awards: it earned an architectural award presented at the 19th International Congress of Architects, received the Pro Budapest Award from the General Assembly of Budapest, and in 2024, it was also honoured with the Balaton Award.
2024: Libri Literary Award for the book “Berry and Dolly – Treasures of the Snail House”
2024: Balaton Award for the “Bruno at Lake Balaton” book series
2024: Award for Serving Future Generations
2023: Guardian of the Hungarian Language Award
2023: Pro Budapest Award for the “Bruno presents Budapest” series
2023: The “Berry and Dolly – Months Board Game” won the Toy of the Country title
2023: Millennium Award from the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
2022: Desert Rose Award, architectural recognition for the Bruno series
2020: Author of the Year recognition from Editura Casa publishing house
2019: The “Berry and Dolly – Speed Colors” board game won the Toy of the Country title
2018: Éva Janikovszky Award
2018: The “Berry and Dolly – Grabolo” board game won the Toy of the Country title
2017: The Berry and Dolly cartoon won the Judges' Choice Award at the 6th International Animation Festival in Xi'an, China.
2017: Mayor's Special Award at the Beautiful Hungarian Book Competition for the “Secrets of Budapest” book
2017: Children's Book of the Year Award (Star-bus book, illustrator)
2017: The “Berry and Dolly – Brainbox” board game won the Toy of the Country title
2017: The “Waiting for Heart Catheterisation” story won a silver place in the “For Me!” competition
2016: The “Berry and Dolly – Seasons” board game won the Toy of the Country title
2016: Golden Book Award for the “Berry and Dolly Blow Bubbles” volume
2016: Certificate of Recognition from the Hungarian Red Cross
2015: “Pro Familiis” award from the Ministry of Human Capacities for outstanding professional activity
2015: Certificate from the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta for the “Guardian Angel” storybook
2014: Certificate from the Subotica International Festival of Children's Theatres
2014: Pagony Traveling Pen Award – for significant and unique creative activity in contemporary children's literature
2013: Certificate of Recognition from the Ministry of Human Capacities for exemplary volunteer activity
2013: Museum Patron Award from Székelyudvarhely for the Berry and Dolly puppet exhibition
2013: Pro Civitate award from the city of Pécs for outstanding literary and diverse other achievements
2013: The “Berry and Dolly” cartoon won the Premio Cartoon Kids award in Italy
2013: The “Berry and Dolly” cartoon won the Audience Award at the Kecskemét Film Festival
2012: “The Bravery Test” storybook won the Astellas Special Award
2012: The “Hoppie's Tales” book received recognition from Magyar Turizmus Zrt.
2012: Istanbul Book Festival: Plaque for the reading experience provided to children
2011: The “Berry and Dolly” cartoon (Kedd Animation Studio) won the Best Short Film award at the Jiangyin International Film Festival
2010: First place in the "Ten Years’ Fifty Best Books" public vote for the “Ann, Pete and Greg” book series
2007: Recognition for selfless contribution to the creation of Birth Week
1998: Diploma Award from the Mayor's Office of the Municipality of the City of Budapest
1997: Award from the Hungarian Chamber of Architects
1997: Certificate from the Department of Structural Mechanics and Structural Engineering for outstanding performance
1996: Award from the Institute of Architectural History and Theory for the church reconstruction plan
1996: Special Award from Középületépítő Rt.
1996: ÉVOSZ Student Award
1996: Recognition from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture at BME for outstanding academic achievement
Berry and Dolly series
The series' stories revolve around Berry, the snail boy, Dolly, the ladybird girl, and their friends: the bee, the stag beetle, and the butterfly girl, with the author's own illustrations. By 2024, 60 volumes have been published. The individual volumes of the series are available in several languages: German, Romanian, Slovak, Czech, Chinese, Turkish, Latvian, Vietnamese; and some volumes are also available in English. Kedd Animation Studio produced six seasons of cartoons from the Berry and Dolly series (2010, 2011, 2014, 2020, 2023, 2024). In 2024, work began on Seasons 7 and 8.
Bruno presents Budapest series
The children's book series presenting the capital through a child's eyes had seven volumes published between 2016 and 2024, and in 2024, the author also created the Budapest Browser. The series won the Budapest Award granted by the capital.
Bruno at Lake Balaton series
The children's book series presenting Lake Balaton through a child's eyes had three volumes published between 2022 and 2023. The series won the Balaton Award granted by the Balaton Association.
Bruno's Tales series
Birthday (2019, Móra Publishing)
Little Siblings, Big Siblings (2019, Móra Publishing)
Helping books:
Susie Bunny's Days – A Story about Cystic Fibrosis (2024, Foundation for a Lighter Soul and Breath)
The book is for children with cystic fibrosis
Fluffball's Story – A Tale of a Kitten with a Shunt (2021, Lives with Shunts Foundation)
The book is for children with shunts
Eternal Embrace – A Storybook about Adoption (2020, Self-published)
The book addresses adoption through four different stories
New Life, New Smile – A Storybook about Organ Transplantation (2016, Transplantation Institute)
The book is for children with organ transplants
Star-bus – A Storybook about Autism (2016, AutiSpectrum Association)
The book is for autistic children
Guardian Angel – A storybook about the daily lives of children with disabilities, acceptance, and loving support (2014, Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta)
My Heart is Healed! – A preparatory booklet for children with heart disease, commissioned by the Gottsegen György Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, 2014
The Bravery Test – The book was published by the Guardians Foundation to help children with cancer and leukaemia. A unique and indispensable publication, no similar comprehensive work has ever been created in Hungary on paediatric medical topics for charitable purposes, 2012
Waiting for Heart Catheterisation – A preparatory booklet for children with heart disease, commissioned by the Gottsegen György Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, 2011
Healing Kiss / Blue Book – Spring and summer stories about the most common childhood illnesses (2023)
Healing Kiss / Red Book – Autumn and winter stories about the most common childhood illnesses (2023)
Poetry collections:
Snowball – Children's Poems (2013)
Locomotive – Children's Poems (2011)
Fluffy Clouds – Children's Poems (2010)
Centipede – Poems for Kindergarteners (2009)
Lucky Dip – Poems for Kindergarteners (2008)
Other volumes:
Birth – (2018, Móra)
Passing – (2018, Móra)
Were you ever small, Great-grandpa? – (2016, Self-published)
Were you ever small, Great-grandma? – (2016, Self-published)
It’s good to be together! – (2015, Pozsonyi Pagony)
Hoppie's Tales – (A children's book introducing the city of Pécs with the author's own illustrations)
Balaton – A storybook illustrated with playdoh pictures, with a CD by the Alma Ensemble (2010, Universal Music)
Architectural books:
Secrets of Budapest, Interesting Facts about Notable Buildings – (2016, Self-published)
Budapest in Drawings – (2016, Self-published)
Websites: www.bartoserika.hu www.bogyoesbaboca.com www.bogyoesbabocacsomag.hu www.bogyoesbabocabolt.hu www.segitokonyvek.hu www.brunobudapesten.hu www.brunobalatonon.hu YouTube channel
(Fordítás: Edimart fordítóiroda)
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